In preparation towards the upcoming National Jalsa Salana of Ghana in the second week of January 2025, the Mankessim Dila (Zone) of Centra West Ilaqa (Region) organized a Waqar-e-Amal at Bagh-e-Ahmad. Putting the Jalsa grounds in shape before the official commencement of the Jalsa has been entrusted to Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Ghana and so the Mankessim zone did this to reap the blessings of Jalsa.
The exercise was attended by some national officers in the persons of Muawin Waqf-e-Nau and Atfal, Mr. Saeed Bin Usman, Muhtamim Muhasib, Mr. Kamara- Deen Adam Sakyi and Muhtamim Waqar-e-Amal, Mr. Ishaque Yusuf.
The exercise recorded a Tajneed (participation) of 40 members which is made up of 1 Ansarullah, 1 Atfal and 38 Khuddam.
Story by: Abdul Rahim Nketsiah, Regional Isha’at Central West
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